Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Snaaks, maar nie 'n grap nie!

Hier is ietsie van Gert af om die nuwe jaar mee in te gaan. Onthou die veiligheids reels, hulle is daar vir 'n rede! (Dit is 'n geanimeerde .gif, as hy nie beweeg nie, save die prentjie en kyk daarna met 'n image viewer)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Werner se Edge 540

Werner se Edge 540
Originally uploaded by hyper7pro

Werner se Scratchbuilt Edge 540. Hier help sy pa hom om op te start vir die (suksesvolle) maiden flight. Mooi gedoen Werner!

(Foto deur Mike)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bennie se Spirit Elite

Bennie se Spirit Elite
Originally uploaded by hyper7pro

Ons het Saterdag oggend bietjie lekker thermals gesoek.

Vir die wat belangstel: Gert hulle gaan die naweek 2-4 Januarie Volksrust toe vir 'n bietjie slope flying.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

DL50 run-in

Die wind was maar bietjie woes die laaste paar weke, so ek dink almal se "vliegvingers" is maar redelik verroes. Intussin het ek maar die kans van 'n verlate vliegveld gebruik om gou die DL-50 se 2 ure "ground run-in" te probeer doen. Ek hou veiligeid as nommer een, dus is die airie aan die towbar vasgemaak. Ek is glad nie te vinde daarvoor dat 'n airie my bespring en my vingers probeer afbyt nie. Laat my bietjie weet wat doen julle almal, dis boring hier rond deesdae!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Charl se bipe met streamers.

Hier is 'n video van Charl se bipe waar hy by sy nuwe klub in Mackay vlieg.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

40% Edge 540

Hier is 'n paar fotos van Werner se 40% Edge 540 wat hy bou. Gert Nieuwoudt het die turtledecks gesny.

Monday, August 25, 2008

TRMC Open Day

Saturday the 23rd August TRMC hosted their "Open Day". It was a very successful and enjoyable event, and the weather was perfect. The wind did pick up towards the afternoon, but everybody was having too much fun to notice. There was two unfortunate incidents, but considering that there was rarely a minute without a plane in the air, and the wind WAS a bit chaotic the afternoon, the incidents was not very serious, as both planes are repairable.
Quite a few visitors was willing to grab the sticks and give piloting a go, and everybody left with smiles on their faces.
Parts of the pit lane:
Marius has a little stall where he showed visitors the magic of building your own planes, none of this ARF stuff for him,
and Marius has the skill to build absolutely beautiful planes.

Friday, August 22, 2008

G-PXII Pitts S-12 Special

G-PXII Pitts S-12 Special
Originally uploaded by plane.geek

Ek weet die is nie RC nie, maar dis so mooi ek moes deel!

Click vir 'n groter foto.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Louis se Pitts Special

Louis se Pitts het laas naweek besluit om sy spinner in die middel van 'n vlug af te gooi. Die spinner byt toe die prop af. Die engine het nog geloop op landing approach, en Louis het die vliegtuig ingebring vir 'n netjiese landing. Mooi gedoen Louis!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

TRMC Open Day

The TRMC club would like to invite you to our open day on the 23rd August all day. If you are flying model airplanes or share the interest you are welcome to come fly with us. There is no cost for entrance or taking part on the day. Trainer systems and instructors will be available all day if you ever wanted to give this sport a try. The club is situated in Trichardt next to the Secunda road. The entrance is from the main road opposite CTM in the northern direction. Look out for the sign board of TRMC. TRMC provide a safe flying environment for model airplanes. The facilities include the newly refurbished landing strip, helicopter pads, grass areas, club house with ablution. The club is registered with SAMAA (South African Model Airplane Association) and the only legal flying site in the TEKS area. All air space in South Africa is regulated by CAA of which SAMAA is an affiliate. The dedicated frequencies allocated for radio control airplanes are regulated by SAMAA and ICASA by law. Misuse of this frequencies is punishable by the authorities. Misuse would include the use of a radio transmitter on a place other than the registered flying field. The club committee and members strive to better the facilities every year and to be of assistance to all in this area who is interested in Radio Control model airplanes. We provide training and awareness to safe flying, free to all via the SAMAA rules and codes of conduct.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Werner se GeeBee R-1

Foto deur L. Parker. (Click foto vir groter prentjie)
Full scale GeeBee stats:

General characteristics

Daar is meer interessante info oor die GeeBee hier:

Friday, August 1, 2008


Originally uploaded by hyper7pro

The youngest Solo pilot in our club. He has been flying solo for more than a year.

Photo by Dirk Fourie.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Edge 540

Ek is jammer om te rapporteer dat dit 'n fatale naweek vir Werner se Edge 540 was. Die radio (Spektrum DX9) het is failsafe ingegaan, en die vliegtuig het toe ook ingegaan. Ons dink dit was steurings van die ignition. Die "range check" was suksesvol, en die eerste vlug was daar geen probleme nie. Ek was met my DX7 ook besig om te vlieg toe die gebeur het, en het geen probleem gehad nie. -- from hyper7pro - (?) -- from hyper7pro - (?) -- from hyper7pro - (?) Jammer Werner. Maar soos jy se, dit gebeur een of ander tyd met alle model vlieeniers.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Secunda TRMC by Gariep

'n Email vanaf William Re: Die naweek se Gariep Fly-In.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilkinson, William (W)
Sent: 08 July 2008 11:48

Fotos van ons vliegklub se vliegtuie by Gariep fly-in.

Werner se Extra, Gee Bee en Harvard
Louis se Pitts
Dirk se Stearman besig om te assemble.

Kan julle vir Louis aanstuur. Ek het nie sy e-mail nie.

Mooi so Secunda!

WT Wilkinson

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Runway herstel

Ons het Saterdag 'n heel suksesvolle dag van "runway rejuvination" gehad. Die groot krake is herstel, en die hele oppervlak van die teer is weer geseel. Daar is nog 2 dromme teer oor (ons het net 2 gebruik vir die hele proses) so ons kan oor 'n maand of twee weer 'n lagie oorsit.

Hier is 'n paar fotos van Gert af:

Hier is 'n mooi "before/after":

Nog 'n foto:

-- from hyper7pro - (?)

Baie dankie aan almal wat kom help werk het, dit word waardeer! (En vir Gert wat die bier voorsien het) Ons is gelukkig om 'n teer runway te he, ons moet hom oppas!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Vliegtuig planne op die 'net - Verniet

Hier is 'n RC Universe thread met links na verskeie websites met "free plans" vir RC vliegtuie. Die wat die bouery geniet kan dalk bietjie gaan kyk. RC Universe Links to free plans:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

May Competition results.

Kompetisie resultate vir Mei maand. Hier is 'n PDF van die nuwe "Sportsman" klas wat ons begin het vir vlieeniers wat 70% en beter behaal in die beginners klas. As jy al die skedules vir 2008 wil bekyk, click hier. Loer veral na die IMAC Unlimited klas. Daai manne kan vlieg hoor!! PS: Ons gebruik nie die IMAC score sheets nie, elke maneuver word uit 10 punte gescore, an dan word die persentasies uitgewerk. Vir meer informasie, kontak gerus ons "Kompetisie Director", Werner. (Kontak my in comments hieronder as jy sy nommer of email adres soek.)

Monday, May 5, 2008

DS Glider spoedrekord.

Die nuutste (waarskynlik nie vir lank nie) DS R/C glider spoedrekord is 357MPH. Dit is rofweg 570Km/h. DS staan vir Dynamic Soaring, hulle vlieg aan die "verkeerde" kant van die berg, en gebruik "wind shear" om energie op te bou. Hier is die R/C groups thread.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ons vliegveld van bo.

Hier is 'n foto geneem uit Mike se Piper Cub. Die foto is geneem met 'n Nokia N70 wat by die kant venster onder die vlerk uitloer. -- from hyper7pro - (?) (Click die foto vir 'n groter weergawe.)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pylon racing

Hi All, Have a look at the article just posted on the SAMAA blog, about low cost pylon racing. Sounds like fun, maybe we should give it a try?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Braai & Fly

TRMC model vliegtuigklub het Sondag 03 Februarie 'n baie suksesvolle “braai & fly” dag aangebied. Die dag is begin met 'n lekker braai, en toe almal se pensies mooi vol is, het die manne die motortjies aangeskakel en die klub se maandelikse vliegkompetisie het begin. -- from hyper7pro - (?) -- from hyper7pro - (?) Die puntetellings vir die dag is soos volg: Werner: 89% Johann: 85% Dirk: 82% Racios: 49% Louis: 48% Henno: 45% Derrick: 45% Francois: 39% Henk: 30% Baie dankie aan die Judges, Oom Don, Oom Leon, Oom Wouter en Oom Gert. Nog 'n paar fotos: -- from hyper7pro - (?) -- from hyper7pro - (?)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Gliders Competitions Part 3

So what is all this F3B, F3J, F3F, F3K, Postals, HTL (Highveld Thermal League) stuff the glider pilots talk about. If you always thought it was boring to chase the one thermal after the other, then this is for you. There is various competitions in our country and internationally. The FIA have a few official classes for gliders. This is the F3B, F3J, F3F and lately F3K competitions. Each have its own rules of which I will not discuss the finer detail but rather give you and idea of the intention of the competition. You can earn your national colours by competing in these competitions at the world cup events. Let's start at the beginning where most glider competitors take part in, the Postals. This is a competition which you can fly at your local club and submit the scores to the national coordinator. You have to complete 5 flights of 6 minutes each and do a landing close to a spot. The basis of all the duration competitions is a point for each second up to the max time, starting with the release from the winch to coming to rest on landing. For every second after max time you will lose a point. So you have to land on the max time of 6 minutes exactly to earn maximum points. For each meter from the spot up to 15 meters you will lose 5 points from the total of 100 landing points. The postals scores can be entered for 2m, RES or Open classes. This competition is flown 4 times per year during February, May, August and November. The best three scores is your total for the year. In Gauteng a thermal league of 7 events are held every year. The events is rotated between the different clubs. The rules differ from event to event, but is mostly 10 minute max competitions with man on man rounds. You normally have only 12 minutes working time per slot. Your score are normalised against the best scores of the slot you fly in. Three or 4 man teams enter the event. The different classes which is scored are 2m, RES and Open. This competition is the breeding ground for aspiring SA team members. F3J is a thermal duration competition where only hand towing is allowed in stead of winches. 2 men will pull a glider with a pulley which produce massive launch heights in a short duration. The max time is 10 minutes, you only have 10 minutes working time. The time on the tow line is lost and therefore very short launches are done. F3B consists of 3 tasks. The duration task is a 10 minute max with landing. The speed task is flown with 2 sights 150m apart. The model have to do 4 length of this distance and the time is taken. The record is in the area of 14 seconds set by Darryl Perkins in South Africa. The distance task is flown with the same sights but the number of lengths flown are counted. This is the formula 1 of gliding competitions. F3F is a speed competition done on the slope and is similar than the F3B speed task. F3K is for handlaunch gliders and have many different tasks which can be flown depending on the organisers. MGA (Model Gliding Association) send every alternative year a team to the world cup for F3B and F3J. In order to qualify you have to take part in the official trial events. MGA also stage the nationals each year, where many of the different classes are competed for the SA champion. Well there you have it in a nutshell. I will be taking part in some of the competitions this year and you are welcome to join me (Assistance as timer or helper is also welcome). Cheers Gert

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Gert se Supra

Gert het vandag sy nuwe Supra by die vliegveld gehad vir 'n paar oefen vlugte. -- from hyper7pro - (?) Winch launch: -- from hyper7pro - (?) Die Supra is 'n 3.4m TD (Thermal Duration) sailplane. Meer informasie (en planne) hier. -- from hyper7pro - (?)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hobby shops with specialised equipment

I had a hobby shop run the other day and would recommend the following for electrical and small parts and support.

1. Dion Liebenberg in Benoni (Sarel CIlliers 105, Reinfield, 0825701053. He is the SA Graupner agent (Look at and can help with many small parts like clevis, special horns, carbon push rods, etc. (German) and electric setups.

2. Mad Models ( (Jonathan) the best hobby shop I know of for electric models but also have many other parts and materials for building etc. From the Pomona offramp close to Kemptonpark.

3. Radio Control Repair Centre (Dave Armatage) for any custom battery packs, JR equipment and some small parts like servo plugs and wire. Garsfontein, Pta.

4. In Cape Town the only shop I will recommend is the Hobby Warehouse who is a true hobby shop. Sad to say Clowns is not what it was.

Most of the other shops are toyshops nowadays, but if you know your prices you may find a bargain.

Cheers Gert

Choosing a model Glider (Part 2)

The normal hobby shop does not have experience in advising you on gliders or stock models that can be used successful for gliding competitions. There are how ever a few knowledgeable shops and fellow glider pilots who can assist. The trusty old Gentle Lady has been used by many to learn the basics of RC aero modelling. I have seen a few available as ARF kits. Another model is the Spirit which comes in 2m RES (Rudder Elevator Spoiler) or aileron versions. Another alternative is to scratch build a model from plans. There is many plans available for sale from RCM, Traplet, etc. or freeware on the internet. The construction methods can vary from balsa and film covered models, foam and veneer to composite materials (consult a glider pilot before choosing a plan). A combination of these construction methods is normally used to achieve the best results nowadays. There are some gliders available from the local cottage industry which are built by fellow glider pilots or building groups. The Thotsi is one such example of a composite 2m glider (Foam /fibre glass wings and Fibreglass fuz) which takes most of the local competition places. Some kits are available from over seas which are worth exploring. (try

There are many classes of gliders each with its own purpose or flying conditions. On the thermal side you will find the small 1m to 1.5m wingspan models which is launched by hand (Discuss side arm or javelin style). The larger 2m span models would be a wise choice to start with. These models can be launched by bungee or winch. The construction of the model should be carefully designed for the method of launching. In South Africa we have the RES/100 class which allow you to use larger wingspan models. These models can be constructed relatively inexpensive and can compete on a fair basis with the open class models. To be able to fly well in all conditions (wind or calm) you may have to chose a model which has a better wing section. This is not always possible with built-up models (balsa wing ribs). This is how model glides have developed from the 70’s where mostly built-up models were available up to today where the most competitive model is made of composite materials which have been moulded. The composite models are mostly imported. There is a few local designs available like the Eish!, Shongololo, Makulu and Inkwasi which all fly very well and is about half the price of the imported models. Open class gliders with full house control can be scratch built from plans as I and many others have done (even up to World Cup standard pilots do this). These models is just as competitive if built correctly and cost a fraction of the imported models, but come at a price on time.

Depending on your proficiency and available budget you will be able to find a model which suits you best. Ask for help if you are interested to take the step.