Saturday, August 9, 2008

TRMC Open Day

The TRMC club would like to invite you to our open day on the 23rd August all day. If you are flying model airplanes or share the interest you are welcome to come fly with us. There is no cost for entrance or taking part on the day. Trainer systems and instructors will be available all day if you ever wanted to give this sport a try. The club is situated in Trichardt next to the Secunda road. The entrance is from the main road opposite CTM in the northern direction. Look out for the sign board of TRMC. TRMC provide a safe flying environment for model airplanes. The facilities include the newly refurbished landing strip, helicopter pads, grass areas, club house with ablution. The club is registered with SAMAA (South African Model Airplane Association) and the only legal flying site in the TEKS area. All air space in South Africa is regulated by CAA of which SAMAA is an affiliate. The dedicated frequencies allocated for radio control airplanes are regulated by SAMAA and ICASA by law. Misuse of this frequencies is punishable by the authorities. Misuse would include the use of a radio transmitter on a place other than the registered flying field. The club committee and members strive to better the facilities every year and to be of assistance to all in this area who is interested in Radio Control model airplanes. We provide training and awareness to safe flying, free to all via the SAMAA rules and codes of conduct.

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